Sunday, July 29, 2007

Heal your Life

During my past jobs in the past years, I’d get colds once in a month or two. Being a workaholic really has its negative effects in our bodies. Getting sick is always a sign that there is something wrong with how our mind is functioning, or how it is operating (or sometimes we deliberately wish to get sick just to have an escape with the busy life that we are living in). We work very hard to achieve our tasks but our tasks just seem to pile up every time; leaving us with so little time to relax and take care of our body.

We might not be aware of this but the state of our mind or thinking causes our sickness or diseases.

To give you an example, Colds is a sign that our mind is experiencing too much going on at once, or we have a mental confusion or disorder. I normally get colds when I have a lot of things to accomplish in my hands. I am overwhelmed by too many projects and the anxiety of achieving all the target dates. As a result, I end up in bed feeling cranky and sore but no other choice but to lie down and get a good rest.

Yeah multitasking is a great deed but sometimes it leaves us to be unfocused with our deliverables and priorities. I am sure that most of us are juggling more than one priority in our lives and by not accomplishing all of them we end up unfulfilled and unsatisfied with ourselves. Sometimes we just have to pause and regroup to keep us on the right track.

I discovered how Great the mind is again, that it is actually the source of my disease and it can be the remedy to my dis-ease… Going back to Colds, since the cause of this is confusion and disorder in my life, I see to it that I STOP and meditate to keep me on track. I follow a mantra, that goes:
“I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within
me and around me.”

Once I get that relaxation, all solutions and activities to my priorities falls back in sequence and gives me sight on how to accomplish everything. Sometimes anxiety gives me a roadblock but I fight it and let all the fear stop and just focus on myself for awhile. This process doesn’t take that long, you can a lot an hour of your day to do this, and know that you deserve this time of break. And in so doing, the clarity flows through me and the struggle stops leaving me less colds every year or should it attack me I get to heal myself fastest time possible.

Here are some of the common diseases that we experience, its cause and how you can help heal yourself by the power of your mind or simply changing your mental pattern:

Stomach Problems:
Probable cause: the stomach is the entity of the body that holds nourishment and digesting ideas. Problems arises in this area when there is dread, fear of the new, the inability to assimilate the new.
New thought pattern: I digest life with ease. Life agrees with me. I assimilate the new every moment of every day. All is well.

Teeth Problems:
Probable cause: represents decisions. Longstanding indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.
New thought pattern: I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only Right Action is taking place in my life.

Blood Pressure:
Probable cause: Represents joy in the body, flowing freely
HIGH: Longstanding emotional problem not solved.
LOW: Lack of Love as a child. Defeatism. What’s the use; it won’t work anyway.
New thought pattern:
HIGH: I joyously release the past. I am at peace.
LOW: I now choose to live in the ever-joyous NOW. My life is JOY.

Heart: Represents the center of love and security.
Probable cause:
PROBLEMS: Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy, hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress.
ATTACK: Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position, etc.
New thought pattern:
PROBLEMS: Joy, Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.
ATTACK: I bring Joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.

Probable cause: Running from the self. Fear. Not knowing how to love the self.
New thought pattern: I now discover how wonderful I am, I choose to love and enjoy myself.

Probable cause:
Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. What’s the use.
New thought pattern: I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve myself.

Venereal Disease:
Probable cause: Sexual guilt. Need for punishment. Belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty. Abusing another.
New thought pattern: I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality and its expression. I accept only thoughts that support me and make me feel good.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Defining Success

these are some of my favorite advice adoptations from remarkably accomplished people.. they're a source of inspiration and mentorship, it is a good thing that they were able to share their ways on how they were able to achieve their success in life. if you want a good compilation of the advices of these remarkable people, look for the book Success edited by: J. Pincott..

For some poeple, success is simply defined: it's the act of accomplishing something one has set to do. But finishing something isn't always the same as being succesful at it. For many, success also implies meaningfulness and magnitude. Almost every person has his or her own definition of success - and many of these definitions are anything but definite.

it is worthwhile to think about what success means to you and what it means to others. and it's up to you to decide if you want the latter to influence the former.

to me success is the ability to LOVE and to have COMPASSION. it's
the capacity to experience joy and spread it to others. It's the security
of knowing that your life has meaning and purpose. it is a sense of
connection to the creative power of the universe. it's also the ability to
fulfill your goals. it's the progressive realisation of worthy
goals. it's also the expansion of happiness. when you have all that,
then material success in terms of material acquisitions and comforts and luxury,
follows as a by-product.

--deepak chopra, writer, medical doctor, and CEO of the Chopra

I'd rather be a failure at something i enjoy than be a success at something i hate..

--goerge burns, actor and comedian

Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. when you do a thing, do it with all your might. put your soul into it. stamp it with your own personality. be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective. nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

--ralph waldo emerson, poet and philosopher

i thought i was going to make crazy cartoons for the rest of my life. i didn't think i'd ever get paid for it, didn't think i drew well enough, but i knew it made me happy.

--matt groening, creator of the simpsons

my boyfriend was moving to manchester and wanted me to move, too. it was during the train journey back from manchester to london, after a weekend looking for a flat, that harry potter made his appearance. i have never felt such a huge rush of excitement. i knew immediately that this was going to be such fun to write... i didnt know then that it was going to be a book for children - i just knew that i had this boy, harry. during that journey i also discovered ron, nearly headless nick, hagrid, and peeves. but with the idea of my life careering round my head, i didn't have a pen that worked! and i never went anywhere without a pen and notebook. so, rather than trying to write it, i had to think it. and i think that was a very good thing. i was besieged by a mass of detail and if it didn't survive that journey it probably wasn't worth remembering.

--joann kathleen (J.K.) rowling, writer

it [e-mail] was a hack - a neat thing to try out... it probably took four, five, six hours to do. less than a day spread over a week or two - when i had a spare moment.

--ray tomlinson, inventor of email, computer scientist

don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.

--thomas j. watson, founder of IBM

there is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; ommitted, all the voyage of their life, is bound in shallows and in miseries, on such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

--william shakespeare, playwright, in julius ceasar

our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. there is no other route to success

--pablo picasso, artist

give me a stock clerk with a goal and i'll give you a man who will make history. give me a man with no goals and i'll give you a stock clerk.

--james cash penney, fonder of J.C. Penney

a man has to have goals - for a day, for a lifetime - and that was mine, to have people say, "there goes ted williams, the greatest hitter who ever lived."

--ted williams, baseball player

my goal is simple, it is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all..

--stephen hawking, physicist

consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

--pope john xxiii

goals are dreams with deadlines

--diana scharf hunt, aphorist

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Think your day in Advance!

Did you ever watch your colleagues at work about how they start their day? People watching has always been an entertainment for me (..mind you, it’s a great form of amusement especially when coworkers play pretend early in the morning..) and I get a good kick for the laughs that they give me.

I remember this colleague of mine who’s very quirky and gets to be so OC (Organized Chaos, not Obsessive Complusive) in the early stages of the morning. you’d find him rushing sometimes at the start of the day setting up his laptop in his desk, and in a minute he’ll be going through all the files in his desk and as if he found the file that he needed, he’ll leave them where he picked them up and then go to the pantry to get his coffee… When he goes back to his chair, he’ll pick-up the newspaper and starts reading the “entertainment” section. After which, he’d open his internet explorer and browses through his Friendster account, hotmail, yahoo mail…and then opens up his MS Outlook, browsing through his emails… and then finally gets his planner and then writes down his To Do List... and by the time he starts his first task for the day, its almost Lunch Break… And I think to myself “WOW!” What a way to be Organized and Productive!! NOT!! (I’m sure you’d think I wasn’t productive as well coz I just watched the whole morning.. well that was part of my plan for the day… I planned to have fun …)

But you see it is such a waste of time, not only for the person doing it but you are robbing the company of time and production as well! (I’m a Manager, I’m concerned about the company, Not!!! Well I’m concerned about the figures and the pressure to deliver them on time.. that’s for the company too…)

So this guy is supposedly a support for our team and clearly he supports me on getting my laughs everyday. But then again, seriously speaking, the goals of the company will not be met with this kind of time management. Tendencies will be the deliverables will not be given on time. I’m sure you’ve witnessed a lot of people in your work area who pretend that they are busy to seem that they are working hard. But looking at it objectively they didn’t do squat.

What I normally do when a day comes is that, I visualize my TO Dos the night before. What clothes to wear for the next day, what tasks to accomplish and achieve for the next day. What would be very effective is before you close your eyes and doze off to sleep is to write down your To Do List and rank them in terms of priorities; targeting the most difficult task first thing in the morning so that everything else will be peanuts for you for the rest of the day.

And as you do this, you will notice that your day becomes smooth and easy. We’d be more productive and efficient that it gives us more fulfillment and happiness for the day.

But don’t get me wrong I PRETEND as well, usually nearing the end of the day where I flip through my files pretending to read them, but actually just having fun putting them from one place to another and just return them to where they previously are. Or pretend to call for a meeting but just gossiping and talking about each other’s life. You see I have the luxury to do this because my major tasks for the day have been accomplished already…

So think in advance… gather your thoughts, organize your actions in your head for the next day and as you wake up and prepare for the day, you are already programmed to accomplish what you want …

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Reversed Paranoia

Paranoia, those disturbed thoughts that are lurking in our minds, the feeling of anxiety and the excessive emotions of fear. Did it ever occur to you that at some point in your life (or I hope to God that its not every point in your life..) you have felt these emotions? That you feel the people around you is plotting something against you or to do you harm? Suddenly your life seems to suck and appears to leave in a awful end? Most probably (or not, if you are not human..) you might have been in this kind of dump at some point or another…

What if we try to reverse that thinking? To try to think that the anxiety we feel will lead us to a better end? Imagine how much easier it would be once we think that those people who try to plot against us or the negative circumstances will be just become instruments to make us achieve something better? Suddenly, those obstacles that we face are not seen as another “Oh, this is a crappy life” but we’d see them as opportunities to grow, to change and to succeed.

Was there a part of your past that you think you failed but because of that situation it opened another door for you or has become a blessing because it gave you a new opportunity to run after what you like?

One of the most tragic parts of my life was when I worked in a local IT company and the President was clearly not happy about me, did not trust me enough and didn’t believe that I can accomplish my functions. I was martyrishly (is that even a word?) working long hours and still have to study when I reach home, and just for the President to make me feel that I wasn’t good enough. I was really unhappy and after a year I decided to resign without a security of a new job.

But that circumstance gave me a new opportunity to do something that I do like. It gave me a chance to travel other countries (which I was dreaming to do) and have the best vacation of my life. And when I finally spent my last money, I decided to come back to the Philippines and work again. Guess what? Found a new job and it gave me better compensations and a lot of room for growth. Now that company opened a lot of doors for me because till my position now, I am using the experience, the knowledge and the network that I’ve gained.

That a*s of a President was really a blessing in disguise because he gave me a push to reassess what I want to do in my life… Honestly speaking I wanted to hate him till my dying days but how he became an instrument in my life, I Super Duper Love Him!!!

And so kids, we have a choice to become “inversely paranoid.” No matter how we dislike a person or a circumstance, let us be paranoid that they can become instruments for our greater being. We can treat every negative event in our lives that it can give us equal benefits in the long run… (let me share you a secret, this is how those little people with big successes thinks, clever aren’t they?)

i've always been the opposite of paranoid.
i operate as if everyone is part of a plot to
enhance my well-being...

--stan dale

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The 18/ 40/ 60 Rule:

Have you ever heard of this rule? Well again, stumbled into another chapter of a book (that I’ll be recommending soon once I’m done with it…) and it gives me a laugh because I find it funny at the same time so painfully true…

It goes something like; when we were 18 we worry too much about what other people thinks of us, and so we do the dumbest things (or not do what we like) just to fit in and appear to be cool; and when we reach 40, we don’t give a damn what anybody will think of us; then we reach 60, where we find out and realize that nobody’s been thinking about us at all. tragic...

Funny isn’t it? I think I might have been in that kind of crap when I was younger and, ok ok, most of the time, frankly because I wanted to please my boss, my company, my family, my friends and maintain a reputable status in society. We become very self-conscious, very restricting and watch ourselves all the time coz we don’t want the people around us to think otherwise and destroy the reputation that we’ve built.

(say it with me) its becoming so tiring already and sometimes we just want to scream and shout, dance the silly chicken dance, and laugh out loud and not to give a damn about what other people will think!! And just be who we really think we are, the way we should be…

But this might come as a surprise for you, people around us doesn’t really think of other people that much because they are also busy worrying about what other people will think about them…

Of course we pass on judgments, we build impressions toward people the way we see them.. and these people also build judgments and impressions towards us that we don’t like.. and we in turn pass again judgments and impressions towards people that we don’t like.. and people that we don’t like pass judgments and impressions towards us…. and if they are really thinking about you at all..they are wondering what you are thinking about them… Ya dah..ya dah..ya dah.. see its a freakin vicious cycle and we are all caught up in it…

So why do we keep allowing ourselves get tangled up in that dumb cycle, where if we look at the results, it is not even giving us any good results. It is really a big waste of time.. and it is not helping us achieve the goals that we intend…

I have been adopting a very simple saying, a motto if you will and I am gonna write it down in my slum book, together with my crushes, favorite color, favorite food, what do I want to be when I grow up, etc.. etc… and it goes something like:


Let’s think about it, we waste time worrying what other people think about us and jeopardizing what we really want, sacrificing our happiness, disregarding what really matters in our lives… where we can make ourselves busy by thinking about how do we achieve our goals, how do we hit that target, how else we can attain a bigger sale, how we can be able to get that guitar lessons, how we can add our skill set.. and basically how do we become successful doing what we really like…

Besides trying to please and patronizing other people is way so NOT cool anymore and in this new generation, people wants REAL people… that’s why reality TV is such a HIT.. get it?

Friday, July 20, 2007

E + R = O

Event + Response = Outcome

Basically what this formula presents us is that in whatever (O)utcome we experience in life are the results of our (R )esponses to the (E)vents that are presented to us. may it be success or failure, wealth or poverty, health or illness, intimacy or estrangement, joy or frustration, negative or positive.

Sound simple enough? I have come to encounter this formula from a man that I admire, Mr. Jack Canfield and in a way simplified my way of looking at how we go through in life. It tells us that everything we experience today is the result of the choices and decisions we have made in the past.

So how do we respond to an unlikely, annoying, difficult, oppressing or maddening event that befalls you? In normal circumstances we’d complain, blame, fight, sulk or self-destruct. And eventually hating or harbor ill feelings toward the incident. So how de we avoid this catastrophes in our lives? The formula would lead us to assess our responses, simply watch our responses and change it to lead to the outcome that we want.

This formula merely teaches us to be responsible for our own lives, to change whatever we have control over. Change our thinking, change our communication, change what we imagine and see in our head, and change our behavior. Change the conditioned responses that we have built since our early years.

And so we have to give up Blaming, we have to give up Complaining because most often than not we blame and complain to the wrong person. If we look at it closely, we allowed that circumstance to effect in our lives. And there is no one to blame but ourselves.

We are responsible for our lives; we either create or allow everything to happen to us. Our actions or inactions give us the results of where we are now. Sometimes we do not choose to act because it could be very uncomfortable to us. We fear risks, inconvenience, loss of security, confrontations because it’s uncomfortable. But successful people face uncomfortable circumstances head on to achieve the outcomes that they want. Successful people don’t wait for disasters to happen and then blame something or someone else for the bad result.

Once we start to decide to act and choose how to respond, we have to keep in mind the result that we want in life. We have to focus on what is important to us and what would really matter at the end of the day. And when we do we begin to feel great, there is the fulfillment that we can make things happen and that we are in control. Life becomes much easier for us.

The bottom line is we are in charge of our lives. We are the one who is creating our lives. The lives we currently live are the results of our past actions and thoughts. We are in charge of our current thoughts and present feelings. We are in charge of what we say and what we do. We are in charge of what is going on in our minds. Our actions are under our control. To achieve the results that we want, all we have to do is act in ways that produces more of what we want.

Its that simple….

all blame is a waste of time. no matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you.

--wayne dyer

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Secret

expounds on the law of attraction... what goes on in your mind is what most likely is coming your way. however convoluted it may seem, it actually simplifies and defines our circumstances in our lives.

on a negative note, it would appear that it teaches us to be self-centered in all our ideas about ourselves. that the universe conspires on whatever we want. the power is within us to manipulate our situations in the context that it will bring us joy and success. should we assess the message that it brings us with regard to achievement of what we want and deserve, possibilities are unlimited and can be attained.

but most importantly, the secret teaches us how to achieve our goals. It provides us with the greatest tool that we can use in every endeavor that we choose. the power of Positive Thinking, of being optimistic that what we desire will take shape. the only secret is to be happy and enthusiastic of our visions, and as the genie goes.. "your wish is my command." voila' the universe shall present you the opportunity, and it will be within our choice should we take it or not.

in whatever obstacles that is being presented to us, i believe what is most important is our focus and perseverance. one should not be down trodden by the mishaps, instead let it be an opportunity to improve. make it an additional skill or wisdom to achieve that goal...

basically, i recommend this book with high ratings, it goes with a dvd and of course it has better visuals... but be warned, you will experience resistance with the new knowledge that it presents you. my advice, have an open mind... and try it! no harm in that, right?

Life Coach

this was a first written tribute from a friend who has been grateful for the support. i've never realized that she sees me as such, but basically the way i've interacted with her was through the sharing of Love and awareness of what she wants in her life... thanks my dear friend and congratulations... the storm is over and new opportunities are coming your way...

LIFE COACH by: Coy Sta Maria

What is it? The internet describes life coaching as a process that entails working with a person and focusing on the client's personal life to allow the client to excel by developing his/her latent competencies to it's full potential.

It's not psychotherapy - although both field works with the client's personal life. The idea of having a life coach is for one's goal to be re-directed & to be focused. Re-directing .. creating .. Imbibing the feeling.

Great words; but are these people powerful enough to actually redirect one's perspective to be patterned to their kind of thinking? Hmm .. I don't think so. Mine did not. In fact, one of my life coaches was never professionally committed to take on the task.

He was a friend who later became a buddy, a brother, consoler, taga libre ng kape & so on and so forth .. until I woke up one day and realized that he was not a savior, nor a saint but simply a friend who was challenged by me and my adversities and that his role was not to save but to comfort and to be a stilt for me to lean on.

Quoting his words; 'my predicament looked like peanuts compared to yours'. If life coaching talked about tapping one's best to reach one's potential to be financially able then I can't consider session's with this guy as such. However, no amount of riches can equate the outcome he has given me bec. of these sessions.

Junathan, Badong, Bro, Koya - these are but some of the names everyone calls him. For me, I simply call him Joaquin - a person who I consider as one of the angels God has here on earth. He has this knack of borring into a person without stepping into one's private turf.

Drawing out, that's what he does best - for he believes that life's answer to issues and challenges depend not in others but within oneself. Interesting ha? Wait till you get to talk to him. He has this way of asking nerve-racking question when you least expect; AS IN!!!

He's simply not content in just peeking into one's lives but opens the pandora box when he feels you're comfortable enough. The odd thing though is despite not putting your guard down, you'll ironically find yourself drawn and blessed by these sessions.

Huh? Profound? Nope. Simply put - if you're one of those searching for clarity in life, seek him out - but if you're aim is to just fish around and do mind-boggling games, I suggest you run fast cause he'll see through you.

He's not a creature nor a pest, like I said earlier he's neither a saint nor a savior. He's simply a person who'll give you the time of day; someone who'll go the extra mile of figuratively dragging a mirror in front of you to aid yourself sort through your tangled mess.

These description of who he is and what he has done to me doesn't even come close in putting a mental picture of how special and how remarkable this person truly is. Wisdom drawer, career adviser, remarkable guy - add these all and I'll only come up with one line to say:

This is how this life coach was and is to me. :-) - an angel sent from above.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Melting Pot

you can be anything you want to be,
if only you believe with
sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith;

whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve...

-napoleon hill

great isn't it?! I’ve chosen that epilogue to somehow encompass my vision and direction of this blog. this is my way of achieving my grander purpose in life.. you see I’ve set a purpose in my life that I’m sure would give me complete fulfillment and holistic abundance.. a statement that expresses the greatest version of myself.. my declaration goes something like:

“my purpose is to use my creativity and compassion to Inspire and Support others to freely express their talents in a Respectful, Joyful and Loving way.”

the diversity of talents in all of us deserves respect and recognition, and this is my way of expressing support of the possibilities that we see in each of us, can really be achieved. Let this blog present us with tools and new beliefs to reach for that star in the universe that is rightfully ours.

welcome to my melting pot, where I envision a community of people full Love and limitless Abundance; where all walks of life stop and encourage each other to reach our greatest dreams..