Now I’ve been living in Makati and have been a corporate slave for more than a decade now. My Manileno friends have always been interested to plan a trip to Sagada in the Mountain Province. They’d always ask me How it is there and if Marijuana really is just a plain bush in that place, that it is planted just at the backyard of every household. I’d always respond with a Big and Wide Smile and tell them “Malay KO!”
They’d act all surprised and give a marvelous remark that goes “ANO?!? TAGA BAGUIO KA AT HINDE KA PA NAKAKAPUNTA NG SAGADA?!?!?!” and i’d shy away and say ”OO eh..” ..sniff... wawah…
And yes, it is true, a lot of us who’ve lived in Baguio never really reached Sagada given that it is just a 6 hour ride from Baguio. And so I’ve committed myself this year to plan a trip to Sagada. Been asking friends who could join me but everybody seemed so busy and that the schedule I was looking at did not fit theirs. But what the heck, if they can’t join me then I’ll go on my own.. arggh loner daw ako sabe nila.. So anyway, there I was, packed my bags, hit Victory Liner and on my way to Baguio. Stopped over at my brother’s place to sleep then hit Sagada first thing in the morning.
My brother Gene asked me what I was doing back home and “bakit daw nangangati na naman ang paa ko.” And so me being my usual self told him about my plans for Sagada animatedly and ayun nainggit at sumama sa akin. Yippee!!! Not going there alone no more...
So we rode Lizardo Bus Lines and straight to Sagada. View was magnificent, air was cool, or should I say cold. Still lots of trees and looking down from the window would give you a nauseous feel. My stomach felt a triple somersault and waiting a puke to come out. And so took hold of myself and just looked at the View of the mountains, clouds and trees. Ahhh.. beauty at its best. Luckily the road has been and being concretized completely, so the road wasn’t that bad anymore as with the stories told before.
On the way to Sagada, you’d see a lot of towns that you’d think you’re not in the Philippines anymore because everyone’s wearing jackets or thick clothes. The bus needed not airconditioning coz the breeze was that cold. I felt the happiness and missed this setting; realized I’ve been living in the busy city of Metro Manila for such a long time now.
We reached Sagada, thanks to my friend Tracey for the endorsement of a good place to stay and finding out that its just stairs away from the bus stop. The ride was a tiring one with bumps, humps and the zigzag road that we went through. And so thought of resting a bit before anything else; but my brother being the excited one was so active and wanted to be on the move immediately. With a tired body and a sore butt, I’ve just said yes and okay okay.. We went to the restaurant of Saint Joseph’s resthouse first before we move and ordered for dinuguan, Sagada style.. YUM!! While eating, asked and bought a map to plan and check out what we can do. We were on a rush because we just planned to stay overnight.

And so there we went.. the hanging coffins, the small restos, the church. I’ve also realized that why I feel so at home at Sagada, its because it reminded me of Baguio 20 years ago. Where there were less residents and cars, less pollution and more trees. It really felt like a good escape from the traffic and the tall buildings of Manila.
Been imagining a relaxed vacation in Sagada and thought of just enjoying the cool weather, but with all the activities we did, I felt so dead tired. And so after hours of walking we decided to go back to the hostel and get ready for dinner. After eating, got a good massage. After which forced myself to sleep coz my brother’s planning for another endless walking to the caves. So morning came, we headed to the caves, equipped with just cameras and just attitude we reached the cave and surprise!! We couldn’t see a thing inside the cave! Hahaha turns out you’d really need a guide to tour you inside and ensure your safety.
So we called it quits and just decided we can always go back the next time. Rushed back to the hostel and fixed and packed our things. Went down to the bus stop to get in on time. but lo and behold, rain started pouring and apparently a storm is about to hit Sagada.
This is the time where mixed emotions enfolded my being…
At the bus stop a lot of tourists and locals were lined up waiting for the bus. The bus was scheduled to depart by 1:00 PM, reason why we woke up early in the morning and wanted to maximize our vacation in Sagada. At the bus stop was a hodgepodge of personalities. You’d see a lot of tourists from Manila, Caucasians from different part of the world, a group of (mountain) bikers who daringly climbed up the peaks of Mountain Province and a set of family…
After 2 hours and hitting 3PM, everyone’s becoming anxious with the late arrival of the bus. Rain was still pouring gently and we were cramped up in a small waiting shed. I myself became very anxious, thinking of my commitment at work and other meetings set for Monday. At this time, lots of versions of news about the bus arriving or not was spreading to the lot of stranded people. One thing I noticed is the optimism of the people that the bus would indeed arrive and is just taking long because of the rain. And so, we patiently wait and just enjoyed the coldness of the rain. Apparently, we all just wanted to go home and get on with our businesses.
My friend Tracey arrived now at Sagada and we were laughing our hearts out coz with all the goodbyes and take cares that we’ve said to each other before this situation. We thought we wouldn’t see each other anymore because of the different schedules we have. And so we just talked, told stories to make us more laugh and after an hour she decided to take a rest coz of the tiring trip as well. Again we bid farewell and patiently waited for the bus again.
After some time, the rain poured out stronger and I felt a little worried already. News about the bus arriving stayed the same, and wow these people are really patient and having a very relaxed time. But me, I was kind of worried about the road and if it will be safe to travel at night. And so I couldn’t wait any longer. I’ve intended to look for a more reliable source for news. Luckily the tourism information is very near the bus stop.
I spoke in the local dialect with the information lady and she validated my concerns about the bus and the road having landslides already.
A bit more worried now.. Thinking how to go about this and what will be the detriments with this delay. But then again safety is always a priority, and so I finally decided to stay another night and just wait for the storm to clear. Spoke with my brother Gene and discussed the situation. He was convinced and agreed to stay another night. But then I saw the number of stranded people. Got worried about them as well, especially one of the families that I had a conversation with while waiting. The bikers were apparently my brother’s officemate as well and got concerns about their safety too if they push through with the trip.
And so I spoke to the family and told them about the information I got from the tourism office. That the bus will not arrive any longer and there are apparent landslides in the road. They understood my concern and thought otherwise should they push through. We spoke to the group of Barakos and suggested options as well. But they were still very optimistic and that the storm is not near Sagada yet. One guy mentioned that it is still safe to travel coz should there be a landslide a boulder truck will be on the way to clear the road(talk about optimism ey?!) Wanted to argue about it coz does he really think that the driver of that boulder truck would risk his life with the storm and slippery road? So we left them at their stance and my brother and I decided to go back to Saint Joseph resthouse to get a cheaper room and just have a good rest…
I never anticipated that this situation would be the highlight of my Sagada trip…
It was a good time to rest, but I was still bothered with the documents that I need to send to my boss and colleagues back in the office. So decided to make the most of my time, went to the restaurant, ordered for coffee and scuttled my fingers across my laptop. Surprisingly, the people I saw who were stranded with me entered the restaurant. Apparently, a bus indeed arrived but refused to take the trip back to baguio coz of the heavy rain and safety to the least. And so obviously the people then decided to stay another night.
I was greeted with lovely smiles when the people entered; it was like an unspoken appreciation for the care that I’ve expressed to them earlier. The father then approached me and explained about the bus that arrived and gave me tips on how to get the early bus the next morning. Other guys we’re looking at me and also smiling back, one guy shouted tama na trabaho, pahinga na muna!! I said I just need to finish this for me to send it tonight. It felt like we’ve known each other for years already..
Finished my presentation material and the reports I prepared. One thing more to worry about is how to send it; there are internet shops outside the resthouse so it made me a little calmed down. It was 9:00 PM already and saved my files to my USB drive, so went back to the room, leaving my laptop and rushing back out to look for that internet shop. My brother Gene and Tracey were in front of the fireplace already warming themselves up together with the manongs who’re renovating the Saint Joseph Main Hostel. Said hi to everybody and rushed out.

Anxiety faded as foreseen with the counter measure I planned, it will surprise me to find out another thing about Sagada. Apparently this place closes business very early! When 8:30 PM hits all shops closes … Arrgggghhh! There goes my intention of still being responsible to the eyes of my Boss! One sari-sari store was open though, and expectedly it was also a place where Lakays and Tanggeros do their drinking sessions.. just bought cinnamon bread and a pack of cigarettes then went out to smoke a stick.
While smoking, this wonderful guy approached me. He thought all the while that I was a Manilenio tourist. He spoke in English and talking about pride and funny stories about Sagada, JAMAICAN style! Hahaha. Thought to myself that this could be a fun night. So I let him be, me responding in English with my American accent. After some time of doobie conversation, thought this is a fun night indeed.. Then he invited me to take one shot of their Gin, coz he said that it was the culture of Sagada hence tourists should follow the same. That moment I didn’t have any plans to drink yet becoz I was so occupied with finding an internet. So to cut the story short, I spoke in Ilokano and told him I’m from Baguio. To his surprise he also went and talk the dialect, and finding out that he is originally from there as well. Suddenly I missed the Jamaican Accent… He pointed me to possible shops still open but unfortunately all of them followed the 8:30 curfew. Oh his name is Orion by the way.. Groovy..
I was so wet and tired looking for internet shops, even with the pouring rain I wasn’t spared of that endless walking. Decided to go back the Hostel, dried myself up and joined my brother at the fire place. Took my bonnet and sweatshirt and placed it near the fireplace to dry it up. Meanwhile Tracey joined us while waiting for the water to boil for her bath. No hotshowers in the resthouse during that time and I wouldn’t risk myself taking a bath either with the cold water.. you wouldn’t want your heart jumping out of your mouth would you?
There with us at the fireplace is also Mariz, we met here a day ago at the resthouse and she have traveled Sagada to rest from the busy and tiring work at the same time nourish her soul with what Sagada can offer as a refuge. Like Tracey, my brother and I have said goodbyes to her but we end up sharing the fire with her. The four of us were enjoying the fire with the Manongs who did a good job at the renovation; can’t wait to go back actually and spend time at one of the rooms in the new Hostel. Mariz apparently took one of the seminars, where my brother and I, and Tracey took too. Most of our conversations revolved around that, and some sort of little life “processing” was the topic. After some laughs and stories, two other pretty girls entered the room and asking help for hot water as well for their baths. Apparently the all around guy forgot about it already. So we invited them to join us instead and suggested to forget about taking a bath. Their names are Anne and Rishel.
This was one hell of a nightcap for me. It was such a wonderful experience and extraordinary at that. There we were my brother and I with complete strangers but it felt like it was a very open and safe place. We talked about life in general and what our hearts long for. The pains and agonies that we went through, at the same time the choices and the things that we’re doing to make us better persons. Again it dawned on me, that the desires of each person are to just have Love and give Love. We weren’t stifled about the time as the topics are so interesting and we were learning a lot from each other. Though the storm blowing outside was something to be worried about, we didn’t feel any concern with the situation. There was even brownout for a time but we were so at peace and safe with the fire that is keeping us warm and awake. This was also the first time where I spent a time with my brother Gene for long hours just enjoying the conversation. I found him at a different view, how funny, witty and loving he is in this situation. It made me so proud to have a brother like him. I’d take another trip with him given a choice; he can be my travel buddy…

We ended about 3 in the morning, we had 3 hours left to sleep to catch the first bus ride to Baguio of 6am. We woke up by 530am and rushed to our clothes and things to go to the bus stop. Luckily and we were so blessed, we got good comfortable seats, most of the people stranded also rode the bus. On the way, we reached a landslide and waited for almost 2 hours for the truck to clear the road. Anxiety didn’t cross my mind as I decided to sleep instead while waiting. The view was again marvelous, though it was difficult to detach myself that we’re leaving Sagada already. But then again there will always be a next time, I reassured myself…
My experience at Sagada was memorable, although it was such a short time; I’ve experienced a different community. Where people seem to be content and open; they welcome you and treat you kindly. I never felt any fear about being unsafe around the place. This could be the reason why a lot of foreigners decide to settle and reside here. There was diversity in personalities, difference in nationalities and color, but one thing I noticed about them, I can feel their Love. Their Love for each other, nature and culture. May this place be reserved and uncontaminated with impurities..
Go to Sagada! Experience a new you!
Good trip story, I really love settling there though I haven't been there. I hope high speed internet is already available, thanks for sharing.
i was googling up sagada
and your pics popped out ----
woowww!! they are awesome!
thanks for posting them...
they really made my day...
my mind's now flooded with
good (and not so old)
sagada memories...
ang saya... ;)
and great blog, too!
keep it up!
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